Soft Liner

Content ID:1700059

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A soft inking brush good for all types of illustration lineart.

My favorite lineart tool. This tool works best in small/medium size to create a line that appears sharp, but still has softness.

Be mindful when adding color, as the aliasing of this brush can easily cause gaps or blank spots with magic wand/bucket tool.

This tool is just as good at small details as it is with strong, bold strokes!
Below is a piece made with the Soft Liner for ink/linework. As you can see, the seams of his clothing are light and subtle, while the outline is sharp and defined!

Content ID:1700059

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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Snickerdoodle is an American artist from the Midwestern USA. He enjoys trying new tools and is always looking to improve!