SAI Place Mock (SAI配置もどき) SAI配置もどき

Content ID:1696499

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You cannot use this material in Simple Mode for the smartphone or tablet version of Clip Studio Paint.

This course
It is the one made referring to Because I am occasionally shortcut, please customize it in a proper.
こちらの講座 を参考に作ったものです。ショートカットもちょいちょい自分用にいじっちゃってるので、適当にカスタマイズしなおしてください。

I tried to place it like a SAI.
Because I did not want to do anymore by the sober and tough work, I put it as a material.
※ I do not use the material derived from SAI

P.S. The settings of sub tool seems to be the most important, but it doesn't seem to be preserved... As my intention, I was the one that does not make sense at all, and I have gotten a lot of DL and do it, and leave it as it is. If you are able to save it, I will overwrite it again.


p.s. 一番重要だと思われるサブツールの設定が、どうやら保存されないようです……自分の思惑としてはまったく意味をなさないものだったのですが、いいねやらDL数やらたくさんいただいているので、このまま置いておくこととします。もし保存できそうならまた上書きしておきますね。

Content ID:1696499

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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