Calligraphy Set (書道セット) 書道セット

Content ID:1687889

  • 192
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set of calligraphy, brush, inkstone, ink, paper, paperweight, sheet. Unnecessary parts can be hidden from 3D Object layer, so you can use brushes and paper only. As a one-point on a Japanese-style desk, please. 筆・硯・墨・紙・文鎮・下敷きがセットになった書道セットです。不要なパーツは3Dオブジェクトレイヤーから非表示にできますので、筆と紙のみといった使い方もできます。和風の机の上のワンポイントとしてどうぞ。

It is a set of calligraphy, brush, inkstone, ink, paper, paperweight, sheet. Unnecessary parts can be hidden from 3D Object layer, so you can use brushes and paper only. As a one-point on a Japanese-style desk, please.

[Rotation sample in object layer]

[LT Conversion Sample]

[Example of use when combined with other materials]
Combination of 3D Object material [writing]

[Pose parts]

[About unnecessary parts]






Material マテリアル

  • Calligraphy Set 書道セット

Configuration. 配置

  • The positive position. 正位置

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Ink Quantity 墨の量

Content ID:1687889

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

浅利治武のお絵描き講座チャンネル's profile Go to profile
