Skyball. (天球儀) 天球儀

Content ID:1565887

  • 80
  • 500 CLIPPY

It is for manga and monochrome. モノクロマンガ用です。

The kind is image material, but it is a 3D model.

I tried to make the line to come out.
Tried version is CSP PRO (1.3.9) 64bit version.

It is not necessary to render, and it is possible to line drawing by "layer conversion". So, you can use even if not EX grade. Or rather, it is probably not usable for rendering. Because some lines are unnecessary depending on the angle of view.

When converting to a binary layer, the lower limit of the object scale is 15. It is a subtle feeling to appear as line drawings and less. If you want to reverse the big, outline width as well.

Actualy am Heavy. I line it up with a new file and pass it to this manuscript via the Clipboard... As Because it is hard to operate it with a tablet, it is better to round with a mouse.

Textures are adjusted to grazed or fly when double-valued, but if you do not like it, you will not be able to move the Ser-W.


試したバージョンは、CSP PRO(1.3.9)64bit版です。




テクスチャは二値化した際に良い具合に掠れたり飛んだりするように調整しましたが、気に入らない場合はサーセンw 可動はしません。

Content ID:1565887

Published : 10 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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