Digital SLR Cameras (デジタル一眼レフカメラ) デジタル一眼レフカメラ

Content ID:1524410

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)
This material can be used on Windows and Mac (Intel) systems.

Digital SLR camera is a 3D material. The CLIP STUDIO ACTION legacy version allows you to use character motion. デジタル一眼レフカメラの3D素材です。のCLIP STUDIO ACTIONレガシー版では、キャラクターモーションを利用できます。

If you are using CLIP STUDIO PAINT >
When you paste the 3D Object to the canvas, you'll see the move manipulator and object launcher.

■ Move manipulator
You can change the angle and size of the 3D Object by working with move manipulator.

■ object launcher
In the object launcher, you can switch between the 3D models that you want to edit,
Depending on the content of the material, you can change parts and change the color.

※ In the sample image is using the menu screen in CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 1.3.2.

If you are using CLIP STUDIO ACTION >
■ 3D Object (with character motion)
Character motion is added to the 3D Object.
You can easily apply character motion to 3D character.
To take advantage of the character motion compensation feature, the feature point must be set correctly in the 3D character.

This 3D Object provides the following information:
3D character Motion (using this 3D Object)
-Attachment information indicating which parts of the 3D character to attach to
Information to compensate for the gap in motion due to the difference in the body shape of the 3D character

How to use ■ Character motion
(1) Load 3D character (with feature point setting) and 3D Object (with character motion).

(2) After selecting the 3D character track, click the ▼ in the motion clip
You will see a list of character motions added to the 3D Object.

(3) Select the motion you want to use and click the Add Motion Clip button.

(4) The 3D Object is attached to the character and the selected motion is added to the timeline. This motion is offset by the difference in the body shape is corrected.




※作例内ではCLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 1.3.2でのメニュー画面を使用しています。



(1) 3Dキャラクター([特徴点]設定あり)と、3Dオブジェクト(キャラクターモーションあり)を読み込みます。

(2) 3Dキャラクターのトラックを選択した後、[モーションクリップ]内の▼をクリックすると、

(3) 使用するモーションを選択し、[モーションクリップを追加]ボタンをクリックします。

(4) 3Dオブジェクトがキャラクターにアタッチされ、選択したモーションがタイムラインに追加されます。このモーションは、体型の違いなどによるずれが補正されています。

Character Motion キャラクターモーション

Rotation 回転

  • Positive. 正面
  • Back. 背面
  • Right. 右面
  • Left. 左面
  • Above. 上面
  • The bottom surface. 底面

Content ID:1524410

Published : 10 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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CLIP STUDIO PAINTの開発・販売を行うセルシスの公式アカウントです。CELSYS official account. We develop and sell CLIP STUDIO PAINT.