milli pen Custom (ミリペンカスタム) ミリペンカスタム

Content ID:1516487

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Is the first time. A novice was just messing around milli pen for himself. 初めてです。初心者が自分用にミリペンいじっただけなのです。

I made it for the hair and eyes that the line of the pen put was low pressure and tended to become thin.
I was troubled that the pressure was lower because I put a protective sheet on liquid tab, but the line became thick when I drew it by this.
The draw taste tries to close to the milli pen of the real, but the Wire's null feeling and the feeling of the needle are not spared.
The image is the one that was drawn comfortably in brush size 4 in the state of 100% without expanding. Resolution 350DPI.

Content ID:1516487

Published : 10 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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