Illustration-tone weathering action (イラストトーン風化アクション) イラストトーン風化アクション

Content ID:1514441

  • 4,864
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The action is to keep the color as it is, and tone the illustrations and images. Please understand that it is just a ' look ', not a tone. イラストや画像をカラーそのままに、トーンっぽくするアクションです。あくまでも『っぽく』であり、トーンになるわけではないのでご了承ください。

It is an action to make the illustrations, such as color as it is to tone. However, please forgive me because it does not become a tone.

① Select the layer or folder you want to tone.
※ Image material layer, text layer, please rasterize to trouble.
② Choose your favorite action.
This is available when the selected layer is one, but you can continue with ' yes '.

③ 'll feel like this.
5L 15L 30L 60L 75L

If you want to pass through the ④ background, discard the "tone weathered background color" layer.
The original layer remains because it is made by duplicate layer.

I hope you find something useful.
Please try various things.
イラスト等をカラーそのままにトーンっぽくするアクションです。ただ、 トーンになるわけではありませんので、ご容赦ください。


5L        15L       30L       60L       75L



Content ID:1514441

Published : 10 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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