Real pencil Full Set + α (リアル鉛筆フルセット+α) リアル鉛筆フルセット+α

Content ID:1486469

  • 13,523

It is a full set of analog-like pencil brushes aimed at realistic draw taste.
As an added bonus, we also put an eraser and an analog wind sputtering set up for a real pencil.

Examples of the figures above were created at 350DPI & brush size 0.25 to 0.3.
We do not shrink at all.
Coarse pencils are suitable for drawing the shrinking premise.
(Because the pencil is hard to disappear even if I shrink)
[Rear lead roughly] may be pencil-like rather than pencils.
* About the Bonus
[Rear Erase]
I aimed at the eraser of the analog style.
It is a mystery whether you can reproduce, but to erase the real pencil has become the right finish.
[Sputtering Kai]
It is a modified version of the sputtering brush that has been up.
The setting and how to use it is the same, but the brush shape which was just circle was changed to the one which I took in analog.
This also allows the mixing rate of sub drawing color to be 100% to draw in two colors.
Since the ★ Real pencil A is a free material, it is up separately separately from this full set up.

Real Pencil Full Set リアル鉛筆フルセット

Bonus おまけ

Content ID:1486469

Published : 11 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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