Sharpened G-pen (研いだGペン) 研いだGペン

Content ID:1471205

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It is a pen for the main line copy. It was made to make the pen which was easy to handle because there was a disadvantage that the control of the pressure was too careful because a delicate line yasashikuhikeru the "ink Too Much pen" which was up before. Because I use a square image in the brush destination, there is a slight habit in the finish. This is recommended for those who have a deformed cartoon touch style and are too soft to draw with too much ink. 主線清書用ペンです。以前upした「インク多めペン」は繊細な線がひける反面、筆圧の制御に気を取られすぎる欠点があったので、扱いやすいペンを作ろうと思って作成いたしました。ブラシ先に角形の画像を使っているので、仕上がりに若干の癖があります。デフォルメの効いた漫画タッチの画風の方や、「インク多めペン」が柔らかすぎて描きにくい方にはこちらをおすすめします。

It is a pen for the main line copy.
Previously up "ink Too much pen" is a delicate line yasashikuhikeru, but there was a disadvantage that too distracted to control the pressure, it will be made to think of a pen easier to handle than.
In a parameterized brush size, the change of the pressure is sparingly
The value of the stabilization is also lowered slightly.
As a result, even if it pulls it suitably, the line which was stocky in its own way is drawn.
Because I use a square image in the brush destination, there is a slight habit in the finish.
As a weakness, because the line tends to get rough when you draw an arc-shaped line
It is not recommended that you use a picture with a low resolution.
This is recommended for those who have a deformed cartoon touch style and are too soft to draw with too much ink.
I'm not good at drawing round or soft stuff.
For example, girls, cartoon hairs, eyes, etc.
If you use a pen that can be used by delicate lines such as "ink Too more Pens"
I think it's good.
以前upした「インク多めペン」は繊細な線がひける反面、筆圧の制御に気を取られすぎる欠点があったので、アレより扱いやすいペンを と思って作成したものになります。

Content ID:1471205

Published : 10 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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