★ 夢幻桃棕褐色 ★ (★ Dreamy Peach Sepia ★) ★ Dreamy Peach Sepia ★


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多功能夢幻桃色棕褐色濾鏡/自動動作! A versatile Dreamy Peachy Sepia filter/ autoaction!

有時傳統的棕褐色會感覺有點沉悶,所以我做了一個篩檢程式,給人一種棕褐色/復古 的氛圍,但我認為感覺更有活力/夢幻/桃色。
它創建一個包含 7 種不同調整的資料夾,應用於下面的圖層。希望對您有所説明!它非常適合插圖,但實際上效果很好,或者手稿和照片太^^

[我的彩色噪點包(ID 2003032)也用於示例,它 略微改變了作品的整體顏色]

- 天空:D

A convenient and non-destructive filter that gives a dreamy peachy sepia feeling :)
Sometimes traditional sepia can feel a bit dull so I made a filter that gives a sepia/vintage  vibe but I think feels a lot more vibrant/dreamy/peachy.
It creates a folder containing 7 different adjustments, applying to layers below. Hope it can be helpful! It’s great for illustrations but actually works quite well or manuscripts and photographs too ^^

[My Colourful Noise pack (ID 2003032) were also used in the examples, which  alters the overall color of a a piece slightly]

- Sky :D

*fixed something minor for my own convenience. If you got the previous version, the end result should still look the same!



公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

BlueCravat 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hello! I'm BlueCravat (any pronouns), you can call me Sky :D. I'm a writer and artist, and I draw mostly original characters ^ ^. Hope my materials can be helpful! 【English】【中文】【簡単な日本語】【Français Simple】 OK.


