【+gradeset】暖色調的戲劇性插圖 - 您唯一需要的調色板 (【+gradeset】暖色系のドラマチックイラスト - 必要な唯一のパレット) 【+gradeset】暖色系のドラマチックイラスト - 必要な唯一のパレット


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創建溫暖、戲劇性插圖所需的唯一調色板和漸變貼圖! The only palettes and gradient maps you’ll need to create warm, dramatic illustrations!


 5 個調色板(請使用 16 個 Tile View! 兩個 24 色調色板和三個 16 色調色板,由清晰的柱子隔開)用於創建具有大量動態範圍的溫暖、戲劇性/強烈的人物插圖,我最喜歡的插圖類型:D

還包括 28 張溫暖的 dramtic 漸變貼圖,用於角色設計/濾鏡/校正。我喜歡在較低的不透明度上使用顏色模式或正常模式,並堆疊多個漸變。我發現它們不僅用於後期校正,而且用於直接著色!我喜歡將它們用於服裝、皮膚、金屬、頭髮等,併為陰影添加微妙的細微差別。請按照您認為合適的方式使用它們!


[示例中還使用了我的 Colourful Noise pack (ID 2000236),它 略微改變了一件作品的整體顏色]

- 天空:D
New gradients added! ^^

5 palettes (please use 16 tile view! two 24-colour palettes and three 16-colour palettes separated by clear columns) for creating warm, dramatic/intense character illustrations with a lot of dynamic range, my favorite type of illustration :D
All of the palettes specifically made and used for character illustrations, so they’re also great for skin tones ^^

Also included are 28 warm dramtic gradient maps to use for character design/filters/correction. I like using colour mode or normal mode on a lower opacity, and stacking multiple gradients. I find them really versatile not just for post correction, but also for direct shading! I like using them for costumes, skin, metal, hair etc, and for adding subtle nuances to shading. Please use them as you see fit!

Examples are all my own. 

[My Colourful Noise pack (ID 2000236) were also used in the examples, which  alters the overall color of a a piece slightly]

- Sky :D

類別1 Category 1


2024 年 3 月 25 日更新:添加了 8 個額外的漸變:) 2023 年 6 月 2 日更新:添加了漸變貼圖集! 2024 March 25 Update: added 8 additional gradients :)
2023 June 02 Update: added gradient map set!



公開日期 : 5 months ago

更新日期 : 5 months ago

BlueCravat 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hello! I'm BlueCravat (any pronouns), you can call me Sky :D. I'm a writer and artist, and I draw mostly original characters ^ ^. Hope my materials can be helpful! 【English】【中文】【簡単な日本語】【Français Simple】 OK.