五顏六色的噪音超級包裝[41種] (Colourful Noise Megapack [41種類]) Colourful Noise Megapack [41種類]


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我製作的41(30+11)種不同類型的無縫彩色噪音紋理! 41 (30+11) different types of seamless colourful noise textures I made!

41 (30+11) 我為完成插圖/手稿而製作的不同類型的彩色噪音紋理,賦予它們凝聚力的情緒!它們也可以用作紙張/照片紋理,或實現復古外觀。 
圖像材料是平鋪/無縫的。 為獲得最佳效果,請放在插圖頂部,將圖層樣式更改為疊加,然後降低不透明度,直到紋理符合您的喜好。  就我個人而言,我不透明度在 10-25% 之間。 
第一類包括 30 種彩色噪點紋理,具有各種類型的色基和各種類型的顆粒。

Catagory 2 包括 11 種彩色/色差,如在單色底座上製作的噪點紋理,不透明度為 0-100%
這些仍然非常適合插圖,但也可用於為單色、 基於 Web 的手稿添加紋理和微妙的色粒! 
或者只是將它們用於插圖或彩色手稿的紋理 cel 陰影,它們在 0-100 之間以 10% 的間隔方便地分開(您可以將其剪輯到 cel 著色層並將樣式更改為疊加,或者直接使用圖像材質使用圖層蒙版進行著色。 ^^) 




- 天空:D

41 (30+11) different types of colourful noise textures I made for finishing illustrations/manuscripts, to give them a cohesive mood! They can also be used as paper/photograph textures, or to achieve a vintage look. 
The image materials are tiling/seamless. For best results, put on top of your illustration, change the layer style to overlay, and lower the opacity until the texture is to your liking. Personally I do between 10-25% opacity. 
The first category includes 30 types of colourful noise textures, with various types of colour bases and various types of grains.

Catagory 2 includes 11 colourful/chromatic abberation like noise textures made on monochrome bases, opacities from 0-100%
These are still great for illustrations, but can also be used to add textures and subtle colour grains to to otherwise monochrome, web-based manuscripts! 
Or just use them for textured cel shading for illustration or colorful manuscripts, they’ve been conveniently separated by 10% intervals from 0-100 (You can clip it to your cel shading layer and change the style to overlay, or directly use the image materials to shade by using a layer mask. ^^) 

Examples below. 
(all works used in examples are orignal/my own.)

Manuscript use sample:

More Illustrations:

- Sky :D

色彩繽紛的噪音變化多端 Colourful Noise Varied

BW Base 0-100% (色取差/Colourful Grains) BW Base 0-100% (色取差/Colourful Grains)


- 添加了更多單色紋理並按間隔標準化。 - added more monochrome textures and standardised by intervals.



公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

BlueCravat 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hello! I'm BlueCravat (any pronouns), you can call me Sky :D. I'm a writer and artist, and I draw mostly original characters ^ ^. Hope my materials can be helpful! 【English】【中文】【簡単な日本語】【Français Simple】 OK.