[RE-UP, 限時免費] Easy Subtool Organization ([RE-UP, 限时免费] Easy Subtool Organization) [RE-UP, 限时免费] Easy Subtool Organization


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此素材集適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2 )
此素材集包含不適用於智慧型手機版CLIP STUDIO PAINT・平板電腦版CLIP STUDIO PAINT[簡約模式]的素材。

一組圖示(英文)和一個笨重的工作空間,以保持子工具的展開和組織。 A set of icons (in english) and a chunky workspace to keep subtools spread out and organised.


這是我的工作空間和用於組織子工具的 [ENG] 圖示的重新上傳!目錄中的材料與原始上傳的內容完全相同。

 我使用Clip Studio Paint進行插圖和漫畫/漫畫。如果你像我一樣,擁有太多的資產,組織可能會成為一個很大的痛苦T_T;所以我做了一個多功能工作區和一些英文圖示,使子工具更容易排序。英語有這麼長的單詞,但我相信我已經找到了一種方法,使圖示清晰易讀和有用。 
工作區和設置旨在與厚實的工具列一起使用,為了方便起見,可以在其下方放置另一個工具 (請參閱示例)。隨意只使用對您有説明的圖示,或使用相同的圖示創建多行(就像我在示例圖像中顯示的多個「工具 CSP」一樣)。
注意:工作區資源適用于螢幕較大(16 英寸 +)的平板電腦,因為在較小的螢幕上可能會感覺非常擁擠/不知所措。 

如果你像我一樣會下載太多的 assets,整理起來的時候經常會感覺好亂。因為如此我做了一個 workspace 還有 icons,感覺整理起來能會容易很多~
(現在只有英文版,sorry T_T;以後如有時間的話可能會做漢字/漢字的 icon。)
(workspace 在大螢幕上會更好用一些,但是 icon 無所謂 ^^)

Clarification in case of misunderstanding: the font used on the icons is an original handmade font. I made the font using my own handwritng for the icons and all materials are completely original. 

This is a reupload of my workspace and [ENG] icons for organizing subtools! The material in the catalogue is exactly same as the original upload.

 I use Clip Studio Paint for both illustration and comics/manga. If you’re like me and have too many assets dowloaded, organisation can become such a big pain T_T ; so I made a multipurpose workspace and some English icons which makes subtools much easier to sort. English has such long words but I believe I’ve found a way to make the icons legible and useful. 
Simply drag each icon to where you want on the tool bar in order to organise things to your liking. They are placeholder tools for organisation. 
I hope this will be helpful for those of you who like keeps things very organised.
The workspace and set up is intended to be used with a chunky tool bar, where another tool can be placed beneath it for convenience (see example). Feel free to only use the icons which are helpful to you, or create multiple rows using the same icon (like how I have multiple of “Tools CSP” shown in the example images).
Note: the workspace asset is intended for tablets with bigger screens (16 inches +), as it might feel quite crowded/overwhelming on a smaller screen. 
The organization icons, however, will work well for screens of any size. Feel free to adjust the workspace drastically if your screen is smaller. 

如果你像我一样会下载太多的 assets,整理起来的时候经常会感觉好乱。因为如此我做了一个 workspace 还有 icons,感觉整理起来能会容易很多~
(现在只有英文版,sorry T_T;以后如有时间的话可能会做汉字/kanji的 icon。)
(workspace 在大屏幕上会更好用一些,但是 icon 无所谓 ^^)

類別 1 Category 1


已重新上傳。 編輯相容軟體,錯誤地包括首次亮相。 Reuploaded.

Edited compatible software, mistakenly included debut.


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

BlueCravat 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hello! I'm BlueCravat (any pronouns), you can call me Sky :D. I'm a writer and artist, and I draw mostly original characters ^ ^. Hope my materials can be helpful! 【English】【中文】【簡単な日本語】【Français Simple】 OK.