[ 木炭 ]包 ([ CHARCOAL ] Pack) [ CHARCOAL ] Pack


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木炭包裝為木炭的吸引力 ! Charcoal pack for a charcoal appeal!


我在信紙大小的紙張(8英寸x 11英寸)和A4紙上繪製了紋理,掃描解析度為600DPI。我在 1000px x 1000px 的畫布上以 600DPI 在 CSP 中繪製畫筆筆尖形狀。


▶所有畫筆都 啟用了 傾斜。在 v.1.1 畫筆中更為明顯。
▶您可以使用畫筆進行繪畫,它 啟用了混色功能。
▶預設設置是我的偏好,您可以隨意 自訂設置!

[ v. 1.0 ] - 舊

[ v. 1.1 ] - 已更新




▶在"圖層屬性"中調整黑色的"厚度">效果>運算式顏色> Alpha 或"顏色閾值"。僅當運算式顏色為單色時,才能執行此操作。調整閾值後,可以將其轉換為灰色或柵格化。



▶ 如果要使用漸變貼圖將顏色應用於紋理,請將單色紋理轉換為灰色,請使用此選項。
(預覽中使用的圖像來自 csp 的預設材質)

1. 選擇紋理圖層
4. (可選)調整任何圖層的不透明度
5.調整不透明度並更改資料夾"木炭GRAD MAP"的混合模式


▶"木炭 GRAD MAP"資料夾下的任何內容都將受到漸變貼圖的影響。要隔離此紋理效果,您可以:剪輯資料夾、拼合資料夾和/或遮蓋要受影響的區域。


Here is a set with a charcoal appeal! Pack contains textures, pencils, eraser, and an autoaction set!

I drew the textures on a letter sized paper (8in. x 11in.) and A4 paper, scanned in 600dpi. I drew the brush tip shapes in CSP on a canvas of 1000px by 1000px, in 600dpi.


▶The tip is supposed to look dull & thick like charcoal pencils.
▶All of the brushes have tilt enabled. more apparent in the v.1.1 brushes.
▶You can use the brushes to paint, it has colour mixing enabled.
▶The default settings are my preference, feel free to customise the settings however you like!

[ v. 1.0 ] - OLD
I drew the sample art in A5 paper size, rescaled to 2500pixels wide (35.76% smaller). IVA©2021

[ v. 1.1 ] - UPDATED
this version is similar to the previous version with small updates and improvements.

Most of the textures are black & transparent (no white pixels), except for "charcoal001"types. Original size is big when you reset it.

(sample above is originally in A4 paper size, rescaled to 2000 pixels wide or 28.60% from the original)

▶The textures are originally in greyscale, but you can change them to monochrome in the Layer property window> Expression color.
  ▻use grey if you want soft edges & gradients
  ▻use monochrome if you want it crisp or have rough edges

▶Adjust the "thickness" of the black in the Layer Property > Effect > Expression Color> Alpha or Color Threshold. You can only do this if the expression color is monochrome. After you adjust the threshold you can convert it into grey or rasterise it.

▶The MIX types are darker & fuller. They're a combination of textures. It's originially intended for filling blacks (aka. spotting) in comics/manga, but you can use them however you like.
(artwork samples above are of my original characters. IVA©2019)

▶For quick colour change of the textures, go to Layer Property window> Layer Color.

Autoaction Set
▶Use this if you want to apply colour to the texture using a gradient map, and convert the monochrome texture to grey.
(image used in preview is from csp's default materials)

1. select the texture layer
2. play the autoaction "Charcoal GREY>>COLOUR"
3. doulble click gradient map layer and choose your own
4. (optional) adjust opacity of any of the layers
5. adjust opacity and change blending mode of the the folder "CHARCOAL GRAD MAP"
(Click the autoaction asset to see full description.)

▶I made all the necessary brush settings visible in the tool property window so that you can adjust them however you want.

▶Anything below the "CHARCOAL GRAD MAP" folder will be affected by the gradient map. To isolate this texture effect, you can either: clip the folder, flatten the folder, and/or mask the area you want affected.

Reupload cuz of problems in the previous version. Everything's fixed now. I hope this can be of use to anyone who wants it! Message me if you need help using my assets. (⓿v⓿)/✨

畫筆 - V.1.0 Brushes - V.1.0

畫筆 - V.1.1 Brushes - V.1.1

刷子形狀材料 brush shape materials

紋理 - 木炭 Textures - Charcoal

紋理 - 混合 Textures - MIX

自動操作集 Autoaction set


2022.01.30 -- 由於原始資產中的問題而重新UPLOAD。添加了刷子V.1.1,其餘部分保持不變。 2021.04.30 -- 重新上傳。被刪除了大量誤導性報告。我用自己的材料創造了這些資產,由我自己的雙手繪製。我沒有偷竊,也沒有從任何人那裡追蹤來製作這些。所有藝術品樣本均由我繪製(保留擁有權利)。自動操作示例的照片圖像來自 CSP 的預設材質圖像。 2022.01.30 -- REUPLOAD due to problems in the original asset. added brushes V.1.1, the rest remain the same.

2021.04.30 -- REUPLOAD. got taken down cuz of misinformed reports. I created these assets out of my own materials, drawn by my own hands. I did not steal and I did not trace from anyone to make these. All artwork samples are drawn by me (all rights reserved). The photo image for the autoaction sample is from CSP's default material images.


公開日期 : 3 years ago

更新日期 : 3 years ago

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Hi, sometimes I make csp assets. Message me here if you get errors or problems using my assets. Peace out (⓿v⓿)/✨