ツリー/ブッシュセット02アップデート01 (Tree/Bush set 02 Update 01) Tree/Bush set 02 Update 01


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各ブラシのパーティクルサイズを好みに合わせて調整することをお勧めしますが、各ブラシはウィンドウ>サブツールの詳細>Ink>>Color Mixingの「カラーミキシング」をクリックするだけでブレンダーとして簡単に使用できます。


*I was noted that one brush was missing, the Distant tree shadow details, so it has been added to the set!

A basic set of brushes to make tree and bush vegetation. Works best for distant or midground trees, but more leaf-detailed brushes are included as well.

I reccomend adjusting the particle size on each brush to your liking, and each brush can be easily used as a blender by simply clicking in ”Color Mixing” in Window>Sub Tool Detail>Ink>Color Mixing and put the setting on 0 on all settings.
A lot of the brushes are direction based.

Below is a quick little tutorial on how I make my trees. Depending on your style, sometimes step 2 or 3 can be enough, but you can of course use these brushes any way you like.

カテゴリー1 Category 1



公開日 : 3年前

更新日 : 11か月前

johnnygoranssonさんのプロフィール ...もっと詳しく
