There are 23 types of flower brushes with a Showa shoujo manga taste. 昭和の少女漫画テイストの花ブラシ23種です。
By default, only the "Powapowa Leaf" brush is a ribbon type, and the rest are stamp type.
"Orientation" is set randomly.
You can change the brush settings to your liking.

【↓】I tried to color the drawing color (main color and sub color)

* Example of use [↓] When used for B4 (600dpi) manuscripts




Flower brush 花ブラシ
Rose petals バラ花びら
Barapowa D バラぽわD
Barapowa C バラぽわC
Barapowa B バラぽわB
Barapowa A バラぽわA
Rose D バラD
Rose C バラC
Rose B バラB
Rose A バラA
Yuri Powa C ユリぽわC
Yuri Powa B ユリぽわB
Yuri Powa A ユリぽわA
Yuri C ユリC
Lily B ユリB
Lily A ユリA
Powapowa leaf ぽわぽわ葉
Powapowa07 ぽわぽわ07
Powapowa06 ぽわぽわ06
Powapowa 05 ぽわぽわ05
Powapowa04 ぽわぽわ04
Powapowa03 ぽわぽわ03
Powapowa02 ぽわぽわ02
Powapowa01 ぽわぽわ01