Emu's cherry blossoms template (えむの桜テンプレート) えむの桜テンプレート

Content ID:2160763

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It is a collection of materials set of template (2 types) and brushes (5 types) that can draw cherry trees.

・ M cherry blossom template A
・ M cherry blossom template B (sandy grain)

・M Sakura 3 (Flower) Stamp Brush
・ M cherry blossom 3 (petal) scatter brush
・ M cherry blossom 3 (trunk / large branch) Ribbon brush
・M cherry blossom 3 (twig) ribbon brush
・M Sakura 3 (Grass) Stamp Brush

We use an arrangement of the following materials that we created earlier.

"Emu no Sakura" (ID: 1991323)
"Emu no Sakura 2" (ID: 2065496)
"Emu no Kusa" (ID: 2098503)
"Emu's Sand Grain Tone (8 types) and Sand Grain Tone Brush (8 types) (ID: 2158678)

If you put it in each layer of template, expand it, and draw it in order as shown in the video, you will have a cherry blossom tree.

Thank you in advance.

* Since a defect was found in the template, it was deleted and re-uploaded.
(2025.3.23 7:15)


・M桜3(花) スタンプブラシ
・M桜3(花びら) 散布ブラシ
・M桜3(幹・大枝) リボンブラシ
・M桜3(小枝) リボンブラシ
・M桜3(草) スタンプブラシ





(2025.3.23 7:15)

2025.3.23 0:48~7:10 Deleted because there was a defect in the "Emu no Sakura template" uploaded once.
I corrected the template and re-uploaded.
If you have downloaded it, please DL the new person again.

・M Sakura 3 (Flower) Stamp Brush
・ M cherry blossom 3 (petal) scatter brush
・ M cherry blossom 3 (trunk / large branch) Ribbon brush
・M cherry blossom 3 (twig) ribbon brush
・M Sakura 3 (Grass) Stamp Brush

・ M cherry blossom template A2
 ↑ "M cherry blossom template A" is defective, so please replace it with A2.
・ M cherry blossom template B (sandy grain)

・ Videos are written in the order of (1) ~ (7).
・Press the cherry blossoms so that they do not overlap so that the shape of the flowers remains.
(Cherry blossom 1 represents the flower in the foreground, and cherry blossom 2 represents the flower behind the branch.)
・Trunks and branches should be drawn using the gaps in the cherry blossoms.
・Use the "Add Color" layer when you want to add color.
・ The "Add color" of template B (sand grain) uses the tone brush of "Emu's Sand Grain Tone (8 types) Sand Grain Tone Brush (8 types)" (ID: 2158678). (You can download it for free)

2025.3.23 0:48~7:10 に一度アップロードした「えむの桜テンプレート」に不備があった為、一旦削除。




・M桜3(花) スタンプブラシ
・M桜3(花びら) 散布ブラシ
・M桜3(幹・大枝) リボンブラシ
・M桜3(小枝) リボンブラシ
・M桜3(草) スタンプブラシ




Material gallery 素材集

Update history

2025.3.23 thumbnail Exchange 2025.3.23 サムネイル交換

Content ID:2160763

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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