壺2 (壺2) 壺2

Content ID:2160011

  • 809
  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is the second in the jar series.

This is a 3D model of a slightly old-fashioned jar.
It is a different version with handles attached to both ends.

The texture is easy to understand by simply attaching materials.

Please use it as a small item when drawing fantasy illustrations.
If you put a lot of them side-by-side, you can fill the screen.

From left to right, normal layer transformation, with texture tones, only line art.

I think that it will look natural if you add shadows and highlights only to the line art.
I think that the texture can be applied in various ways depending on the painting method, such as ceramic, stone, and metal.

 This is a reference example of setting layer LT conversion.

The lines are quite thin, so you can change the settings to your liking.

壺シリーズ 第二弾です








material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

2025/03/20 Ver1.0.0 2025/03/20 Ver1.0.0

Content ID:2160011

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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