【First Discount】3D Decayed Boss Room Door & Decaying Front Set (【初回割引】3D朽ちたボス部屋の扉&朽ちる前セット) 【初回割引】3D朽ちたボス部屋の扉&朽ちる前セット

Content ID:2159829

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set of 3D material decaying boss room door and decay.
Come when you challenge the decisive battle.
If you hide the decorations and horns, you can use it as a normal door.

Vertices 84,067 and 57,029

(List of material tags)
☆ Manga style introduction material → [sianap-examplecomic]
☆ Decayed and collapsed buildings and accessories → [sianap-deterioration]

Click or copy and paste the tag at the bottom of the page to search.

* Materials are subject to change or change without notice. Paid materials are at a special price only for the first few days.

If you like it, I would be happy if you could follow ASSETS from "Learn more" on your profile!
The next material is scheduled to be "Decayed Throne & Decaying Pre-Decay Set"!

頂点数 84,067と57,029

☆連載漫画風の紹介素材 → 【sianap-examplecomic】
☆朽ちた・崩壊した建物や小物 → 【sianap-deterioration】




3D Decaying Boss Room Door & Decaying Pre-Set 3D朽ちたボス部屋の扉&朽ちる前セット

Content ID:2159829

Published : 4 hours ago

Last updated : 4 hours ago

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【3Dで爆速、枕で爆睡】まくら印のSianap(しあなっぷ)です。加筆が少なくて済む、朽ちた・風化した建物や小物の素材をメインに制作しております。 少しでも作業の負担を減らして、ゆっくり眠れる時間を増やすお手伝いが出来たらうれしいです。創作は睡眠から!健康第一。

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