It has a texture in it, and each stroke has a slightly different color, which is perfect for depicting underneath the undertone. 질감이 들어가 있으며 획마다 약간씩 색이 다르게 나와 밑색 밑 묘사에도 적합합니다.
It is a good pen for coloring and croquis.
It has a texture in it, and each stroke has a slightly different color, which is perfect for depicting underneath the undertone.
The default setting is Mixed Color OFF, but since I have adjusted the setting, the colors blend beautifully.
It's also good for inking.

채색과 크로키에 좋은 펜입니다.
질감이 들어가 있으며 획마다 약간씩 색이 다르게 나와 밑색 밑 묘사에도 적합합니다.
기본 설정은 혼색 OFF이나, 설정을 조정해뒀기에 색이 예쁘게 섞입니다.
먹칠에도 좋습니다.