Flat Shape Deco Toolset (フラットシェイプ デコツールセット) フラットシェイプ デコツールセット

Content ID:2159173

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  • 80 GOLD
  • 150 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a set of decorative tools and image material with a simple flat design.
Please use it for decoration with a minimalistic and geometric atmosphere ◎

■ Number of materials: 49
Tool material: 23 / image material: 26

■ Color change: Yes


Flat Shape Tool
It is a material based on the straight line tool.
You can easily decoration each shape straight side by side.

If you want to adjust the direction and inclination of the shape tool property click [Orientation],
If you want to adjust the narrowness of the spacing between the shapes, please change the value of [Interval] to your liking.

Some tool materials can be used with a pop-pom to create shapes one by one, so it is possible to use them differently like a scatter brush.
* Semicircle#01/02, Checker N2/N5/N8, Checker Melt N2/N5/N8, Stripe Tape, BarCode Tape are not allowed. *

When using it like a scatter brush, it is also recommended to use it with [Random] in [brush size] checked as in the sample ↑ (the numerical value is your preference).


Flat Shape Sticker
It is a image material to stick and use like a sticker.
For one design, two types are included: [fill type] and [line + base type]. *#08 and 09 are fill types only.

If you drag the image material from the material palette to the canvas, the two types will be added to the layer panel as a set, so please use the one you like.
(The sample in ↓ is displayed only [fill type])

The image material is black and white by default, so change the color by using layer color effects.
When using the layer color effect, [Line + base type] reflects the color specified in [layer color] for the line part and [sub color] for the base part.


Metaball Effect pattern
It is a pattern image material with a pattern that looks like a sphere melting and sticking together.
Like Flat Shape Sticker, it is a black and white image when pasted as it is, so please use the layer color effect to color it to your liking.

Also, tiling (repeat state of the pattern) is turned off by default.
If you want to reduce the size and spread the pattern over a wide area, please check [Tiling] in the object tool property if necessary.

* Examples of use are created using materials sold separately that are not included in this material collection.


■ 収録素材数:49点

■ 色変更:可


Flat Shape Tool


※ semicircle#01/02、checker n2/n5/n8、checker melt n2/n5/n8、stripe tape、barcode tapeは不可 ※



Flat Shape Sticker
1つのデザインにつき、【べた塗りタイプ】と【線+下地タイプ】の2種類が収録されています。 ※#08・09はべた塗りタイプのみ




Metaball Effect pattern
Flat Shape Sticker同様、そのまま貼り付けた状態では白黒の画像ですので、レイヤーカラー効果を使用するなどしてお好みの色に彩色してください。



decoration Tools デコレーションツール

Just stick it image material 貼るだけ画像素材

Pattern image material パターン画像素材

Content ID:2159173

Published : 6 days ago

Last updated : 6 days ago

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