Female VTuber production layer template (rough edge) (女性VTuber制作レイヤーテンプレート(荒削り)) 女性VTuber制作レイヤーテンプレート(荒削り)
Content ID:2159143
For those who want to make a separate part illustration to make a female VTuber model, but do not know the area around the layers, it is template that it will look like it if you draw it roughly like this. 女性VTuberモデルにするためのパーツ分けイラストを作ってみたいけどレイヤー周りが分からない人へ、ざっくりこのとおりに描けばそれっぽくなるテンプレートです。
We do not accept complaints such as being ruined by the modeler even though I drew it according to this template, so it is evil.
You can modify it according to your preference. Commercial use of illustrations for Live2D models created using this template is OK.
However, redistribution of this template and distribution of template diverted from this template are prohibited regardless of whether it is paid or not.