Opening the trunk of a car (車のトランクを開ける) 車のトランクを開ける

Content ID:2158737

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It is a pose seen in movies where the trunk is opened from the perspective of the inside of the car (Trunk Shot).
The arms are arranged with the assumption that the trunk can be opened about 80%, so adjust it appropriately according to the opening and closing angle of the trunk.

If you arrange it a little, it may be possible to divert it to poses such as "raising and lowering the window", "wall dong", "holding on to the strap", "raising your hand sloppily", etc.
映画などで見かける、車内視点でトランクが開かれる場面(Trunk Shot)のポーズです。


Content ID:2158737

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 1 hour ago

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