Bubble brush like that (それっぽい泡ブラシ) それっぽい泡ブラシ

Content ID:2158379

  • 65

It is a bubble brush like that that can be used for comics. 漫画に使えるそれっぽい泡のブラシです。

It is a brush mainly intended for use in cartoons (A5/600dpi).
It can also be used for depictions in the sea or water, scene changes, and psychological depictions like that.

There are three types of brushes in total.

・ Bubble brush like that
The main line has a white highlight

・ Bubble brush white like that
It is a brush that consists only of white

・ Mixed bubble brush like that
Mixed normal and white

You can change the description color of a bubble brush like that to make it white, but I think that a bubble brush white like that will be more common.

The bubbles themselves are simple and hand-drawn, so you can add or remove them as you like.








Bubble brush like that それっぽい泡ブラシ

Content ID:2158379

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

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