Poison Ring A 3D/Poison Ring_A (ポイズンリングA 3D/Poison Ring_A) ポイズンリングA 3D/Poison Ring_A

Content ID:2156733

  • 73
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

3D antique jewelry, poison rings.

In the lid that opens and closes, you can put the medicine.

Poison rings have a long history and are said to have originated in the ancient India~Middle East. It was introduced to ancient Greece and became popular in Europe in the 16th century.

Poison rings can be used for assassination or self-harm with poison pills, lovers can use each other's hair, or household pills.

Besides the term poison ring, it is also called pillbox, box ring, rocket ring, and sentimental jewelry.





■ We have prepared a material preset.

■ We have prepared a layout preset.

■ You can adjust the degree of opening more subtle than the layout.
The center of the object is set to hinge.

■Since it is a 3D material, it can be expressed from various angles.

■LT conversion






material マテリアル

  • Blue×Silver 青×銀
  • Red × gold 赤×金
  • White × silver 白×銀
  • Purple × silver 紫×銀
  • Green × Gold 緑×金
  • Black × gold 黒×金

disposition 配置

  • Close 閉じ
  • Open 1 開き1
  • Open 2 開き2

Old version

Content ID:2156733

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

円花画房's profile Go to profile

2024.9より、3D素材の出品を始めました。 jewelryと手芸デザインの経験あり。現実の仕様よりマンガ向けにバランスをとってモデリングしています。華やかでお洒落な3D素材を出品することを心懸け、マンガやイラスト創作のお力添えになるよう努めさせていただきます。