[10cp for a limited time] square waters ([기간한정 10cp] 네모수채) [기간한정 10cp] 네모수채

Content ID:2156395

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You can use this material with Clip Studio Paint Ver.2 and newer. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.2 )

It is🖌 a textured square watercolor pen
The transparency changes with the pressure of the pen
It mixes well and is suitable🎨 for coloring
It may not fit in your hand in a square
Once you get the hang of it, it's great for coloring! A must-see!! 💥
I think it's a good way to express things like wrinkles in clothes
It's🧶🫧 soft
It's also good for doodling, and if you write it small, it has a pencil feel!! ✏️✏️
You can't use a sink boundary because you don't have a sink boundary set to apply.
I'm going to set it back to the watercolor border version to create a pen with a similar feel.
Anything over 200 in size slows down🐢🐢
I recommend writing less than 200!
텍스쳐 있는 네모난 수채화 펜입니다🖌
필압에 따라 투명도가 변합니다
적당히 잘 섞여서 채색용으로 적합합니다🎨
네모네서 손에 안맞을 수 있어요ㅜ
손에 익으면 채색할 때 좋아요! 강추!!💥
옷주름같은거 표현하기 좋을듯 합니다
보들보들 부드러워요🧶🫧
낙서할때 쓰기도 좋아요 작게 쓰면 연필 느낌 있음!!✏️✏️
수채 경계가 적용되지 않도록 설정해둬 수채 경계를 사용할 수 없습니다..
수채 경계 버전으로 다시 설정해 비슷한 느낌의 펜을 만들 예정입니다.
크기가 200을 넘어가면 느려요🐢🐢
200보다 작게 쓰는 것을 추천해요!

Content ID:2156395

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

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