Town Hall 1 [Limited Time Price] (役場1【期間限定価格】) 役場1【期間限定価格】

Content ID:2155463

  • 102
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It will be a 3D town hall.
As soon as you enter the entrance, there is a general reception (semicircle desk), and there is a reception desk on both sides, divided into left and right, and the style of the counter and the arrangement of the benches are different on the left and right.

It can be used according to the purpose, such as commercial guilds and adventurer's guilds, guilds and purchase offices, certification associations and guilds, town halls and exchanges that carry out some procedures.

The exterior is created in the front, but the sides and back, and the second floor is not decoration.



rasterize + LT conversion (without additions or corrections). There are two color variations: white and brown.


material マテリアル

  • white white
  • brown brown

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2155463

Published : 11 hours ago

Last updated : 11 hours ago

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