Offset Filter

Content ID:2155193

  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Offset your image in just one click!

Works with any canvas size!

I made an offset filter that can make your pattern creation easier!
Works with any canvas size!

*Actually not really, make sure your canvas pixels ends in even number.

A tutorial version is here:
Please check it out to see where and how to use the offset filter ;u; )//

Just click the offsetting that you want and it's already done!


This offsets both horizontally and vertically, at the same time



This offsets the image vertically



This offsets the image horizontally

This helps me greatly on creating my seamless patterns

Content ID:2155193

Published : 10 hours ago

Last updated : 10 hours ago

Mana1057's profile Go to profile

Freelanced artist with a potato laptop >w< )///