Pose of a thug slashing with a knife (ナイフで斬りかかる刺客のポーズ) ナイフで斬りかかる刺客のポーズ

Content ID:2153512

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When you need a thug to slash at you with a knife. ナイフで斬りかかる刺客が必要な時にどうぞ。

It was necessary for the manuscript, so I made it by mistake.

If you want to have a knife of your choice, try parent-child object between the knife and the 3D model, and then change the "Attach to" from "object origin" to "Right hand" and adjust the angle.

(If you don't understand, you can google "3D. Material Parent-Child Relationship" and there are TIPS that explain it in an easy-to-understand manner, so please do your best!!)

* This knife uses an ancient knife model (content ID: 2076895).



(わかんなかったら「3Ⅾ素材 親子関係」でググればわかりやすく解説してくれてるTIPSがあるので頑張ってください‼)


Content ID:2153512

Published : 5 hours ago

Last updated : 10 hours ago

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