foreign windows 5-8 (外国の窓5-8) 外国の窓5-8

Content ID:2151992

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D material of foreign windows. I arranged it with church-style windows.

The innermost window sill is the parent. Other window frames and walls can be hidden.

The windows are opaque but can be hidden.

It is set to not open by fitting, but it can be opened and closed.






The height of the ceiling is 3m. A window is placed at a height of 90 cm from the floor. There are errors depending on the design.
* Only 7 foreign windows are assumed to have a ceiling of 4m.

The wall thickness is unified to 30 cm. If you stretch and contract the wall, you can also make it thinner.

↑ The darker one is created as indoors.

object information

foreign windows 5
□ window frames (decoration 0-2 respectively, glass, lattice 0 (lattice 1), wall, window frame 2)

foreign windows 6
□ window frames (decoration 0-3 respectively, walls, windows (glass))

foreign windows 7
□ window frames (decoration 0-2 respectively, wall, window (glass), window frame 2)

foreign windows 8
□ window frames (decoration 0-2 respectively, walls, windows (glass))









material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • foreign windows 5 外国の窓5
  • foreign windows 6 外国の窓6
  • foreign windows 7 外国の窓7
  • foreign windows 8 外国の窓8

Content ID:2151992

Published : 5 days ago

Last updated : 5 days ago

ハルコ式's profile Go to profile

趣味の漫画描き。デジアシをほそぼそと。最近は3Dざんまい。現金購入 、小物を個別で使いたい場合はBOOTHでお願いいたします_(..)_プロフのリンクからどうぞ。