Garment Reference 3D Model Collection Volume Sleeve Dress (衣服参考3Dモデル集 ボリューム袖ワンピース) 衣服参考3Dモデル集 ボリューム袖ワンピース
Content ID:2151075
It is a set of 7 various poses of a volume sleeve dress. I made it mainly as a reference for sleeves.
Aren't wrinkles on clothes difficult? Please use it as a reference or tress when drawing.
Since it is a 3D model, it can be observed from all angles.
■How to use■
Drag and drop from the material palette to the work screen.
You can switch models by changing the layout.
In the initial state...
The lining is displayed in black. If you want to whiten,
tool property→sub tool detail → environment rendering settings Uncheck Backface Calling.
ツールプロパティ→サブツール詳細 環境→レンダリング設定 バックフェースカリング のチェックを外して下さい。
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
stand 立つ
conversation 会話
surprise 驚き
Surprise 2 驚き2
Surprise 3 驚き3
Hands on your stomach お腹に手
Turned 振り返り