rockstar vocal singing pose (歌う) (rockstar vocal singing pose (歌う)) rockstar vocal singing pose (歌う)

Content ID:2147370

  • 25

하나의 포즈만 있으며, 오브젝트는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
기타를 맨 보컬이 기타 피크를 든 채 퍼포먼스 제스처를 취하는 자세입니다.

There is only one pose, and no objects are included.
A vocalist with a guitar making a performance gesture while holding a guitar pick.

There is only one pose and no object comes with it.
It is a pose in which the vocalist holding the guitar holds the guitar pick and makes a performance gesture.

하나의 포즈만 있으며, 오브젝트는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
기타를 맨 보컬이 기타 피크를 든 채 퍼포먼스 제스처를 취하는 자세입니다.

There is only one pose, and no objects are included.
A vocalist with a guitar making a performance gesture while holding a guitar pick.


Content ID:2147370

Published : 15 hours ago

Last updated : 15 hours ago

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