【About the material】
It is a brush of stitching and wrinkled shadows that expresses the edges of the fabric. It contains hologram-colored aurora-like effects that provide a lot of information and can be used to decorate your clothes.
There are also brushes that change color depending on the drawing color, so you can use it for things that are not hologram colors! Some hologram colors change color depending on the drawing color, and there are several pre-colored brushes available, so please use them according to your original clothes.
In addition to clothes, you can also use it to draw background decorations and accessories like this image! If there is a shadow under the step, it can be used to represent the cloth on top of the cloth.

Category 1 カテゴリ1
nstoggle stitch_shadowed_blue ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_青
ns switching stitch_shadowed_purple ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_紫
nstoggle stitch_shaded_red ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_赤
NS switching stitch_shadowed_yellow ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_黄
nstoggle stitch_shaded_green ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_緑
The switching stitch_shadowed_water ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_水
NSTOGGLE stitch_shadowed_ash ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_灰
NS switching stitch_shadowed_foreground color ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_描画色
The switching stitching_shadowed_aurora drawing color ns切り替えステッチ_影あり_オーロラ描画色
NSTOGGLE stitch_no shadow_blue ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_青
NSTOGGLE stitch_no shadow_purple ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_紫
NS Toggle Stitch_No Shadow_Red ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_赤
nstoggle stitch_no shadow_yellow ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_黄
nstoggle stitch_no shadow_green ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_緑
NSTOGGLE stitch_no shadow_water ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_水
nstoggle stitch_no shadow_ash ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_灰
NSTOGGLE stitch_no shadow_foreground color ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_描画色
The switching stitching_no shadow_aurora drawing color ns切り替えステッチ_影なし_オーロラ描画色