Auto Create Art Folders

Content ID:2143073

  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Both of these are used to auto create named folders with named layers nestled within. It is a way to save time when creating a lot of art. Hopefully this can be useful for you to save time as well. You can still rename, delete, or add any layers or folders after. I kept it to basics for myself.

Two Sets of Auto Actions
  • Multi-Pic Art
  • Webtoons
To use select "Layer 1" on the new file and run the auto action. If using on an existing file, create a new layer over the paper layer to click when playing auto action.

How They Look
I use the multi-pic art set when I want to create drawings that have multiple editions (i.e. clothed/censored vs unclothed/uncensored).

The Webtoons set I use when I want to create webcomics. 

Use whichever suits you. Hope this is helpful :)

Content ID:2143073

Published : 20 hours ago

Last updated : 20 hours ago

MikaRaine's profile Go to profile

Hey, I'm Mika! I've been an artist for some time, but am new to digital art. Please follow along on my learning journey (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ I plan to create and share materials every once in a while. More than likely all will be cheap or free, so let's grow together!