That last horse wasn't quick enough on its feet? No problem! Your wish is my command. Only the best horses for my clientele. And today is no different. I have the PERFECT horse for you! She can turn on a dime. No lack of athleticism and energy for DAYS. Just look at the spring in her step. She'd put a basketball player to shame. I told you, I have only the best! Err...had.... Catch that animal!! Quick! She'll be in the next kingdom before nightfall if we don't!
Ahem... where were we?
The princess might want riding lessons before she rides this one... Unless you need the dramatic "princess dumped in the woods/in the middle of the dragnon's lair" deal. This horse will go above and beyond for that scenario!
Perhaps a calmer horse next time?
This series of line drawings are designed to make it as simple or complex as you want to go with your horse art. Lines are closed for easy paint fill with a few touch ups. Lines also denote basic structures for shading if that's your goal.