【3D】Fantasy House 6 (【3D】ファンタジーハウス6) 【3D】ファンタジーハウス6

Content ID:2138455

  • 761
  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It was created for LT conversion (line art extraction).
This is an eye-catching fantasy-style small house 3D model with a cylindrical design.

Wooden doors open to the door, wooden benches outside, and chimneys on the roof add warmth to the story. It is the best material to make the scenes of fantasy manga and isekai manga more realistic and attractive.

The door has a pose parts preset slider that makes it easy to adjust the opening to your liking.

Each part is individually object, so you can show/hide, move, and rotate freely. (Change the position of chimneys and porch lights, fly doors, hide benches, etc.)

The 3D drawing figure is made in actual size so that it can be used as it is.

From all directions.

LT conversion is performed with tone work below.

Below, LT conversion is performed without tone work.

Material prices are subject to change without notice. Please note.









material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • door ドア

Content ID:2138455

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

sakuzou03's profile Go to profile

毎週1つ以上3D素材をアップ。漫画制作をするユーザー様の視点に立ち、使い勝手の良い3D素材の製作を心がけています。(LT変換時に線が出やすい、頂点数を減らしてできるだけ軽くするなど) BOOTHでも販売しています。 X(旧Twitter)では更新情報をはじめ、公開前の3D素材の情報も発信しています。