Prickly thorn 1 とげとげ1
Prickly thorn 2 とげとげ2
Prickly thorn 3 とげとげ3
Thorns 4 とげとげ4
Branch multi-double crossing 枝多二重交差
There are many branches and two branches 枝多二重
Star Crossing 星小交差
Star small 星小
Star Small 2 星小2
Prickly thorn 1 とげとげ1
Prickly thorn 2 とげとげ2
Prickly thorn 3 とげとげ3
Thorns 4 とげとげ4
Branch multi-double crossing 枝多二重交差
There are many branches and two branches 枝多二重
Star Crossing 星小交差
Star small 星小
Star Small 2 星小2