It is a 3D material of donut + fried bread.
This also includes the Old Fashion 3D (content ID: 2137507) that was released for free the other day, so if you can see what it looks like there ...
It can also be displayed as a standalone with a preset.
At first, I was going to make it about 3 types, but when I noticed it, it was increasing. It may be a little heavy.
It is a self-made texture.
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
gather 集合
doughnut ドーナツ
Honey dip ハニーディップ
Strawberry Donuts イチゴドーナツ
Chocolate Donuts チョコドーナツ
Matcha donuts 抹茶ドーナツ
Sticky donuts もちもちドーナツ
Sticky donuts (strawberries) もちもちドーナツ(イチゴ)
Sticky donuts (chocolate) もちもちドーナツ(チョコ)
Sticky donuts (chocolate) もちもちドーナツ(チョコがけ)
Sticky donut (Choco☓ Choco) もちもちドーナツ(チョコ☓チョコ)
Old Fashion オールドファッション
Old Fashion (strawberry) オールドファッション(イチゴ)
Old Fashion (Chocolate) オールドファッション(チョコ)
Bread donuts (custard) パンドーナツ(カスタード)
Bread donuts (cream) パンドーナツ(クリーム)
French cruller フレンチクルーラー
French cruller (chocolate) フレンチクルーラー(チョコ)
Fried bread (sugar) 揚げパン(シュガー)
Fried bread (kinako) 揚げパン(きな粉)
Fried bread (cocoa) 揚げパン(ココア)
Update history
Published on 24/12/15 24/12/15 公開