【Deluxe Edition】Easy sandwich brush (【豪華版】お手軽サンドイッチブラシ) 【豪華版】お手軽サンドイッチブラシ

Content ID:2137185

  • 31

It is a deluxe version of the brush that allows you to easily draw bucket sandwiches.
It can also be used for picnics, cafes, and when you want to have a meal.
Go ahead, if you like.

Thank you for the many likes and gifts!


↓ Examples of works (items other than ingredients are not accessories)

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

Some of the ingredients are also included with the brush, which is open to the public for free.




ingredient 食材

Deluxe Edition Additional Materials 豪華版追加素材

One-stroke sandwich brush 一筆サンドイッチブラシ

Content ID:2137185

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

烏賊野カラ's profile Go to profile

一枚絵、ドット絵などを描いています。 時々素材も出していければ。 沢山のいいねやギフト有難う御座います!