Winter sky (겨울하늘) 겨울하늘

Content ID:2134337

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This is a picture of the winter sky.
Since it is small, it is recommended to increase the resolution rather than increase the size.
It is also recommended to apply corrections.
겨울하늘 사진입니다.
작기 때문에 크기를 키우기보다는 해상도를 높이는 것을 추천합니다.
보정을 적용하는 것 또한 추천합니다.

This is a picture of the winter sky.
Since it is small, it is recommended to increase the resolution rather than increase the size.
It is also recommended to apply corrections.
겨울하늘 사진입니다.
작기 때문에 크기를 키우기보다는 해상도를 높이는 것을 추천합니다.
보정을 적용하는 것 또한 추천합니다.

Content ID:2134337

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 3 hours ago

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