This brush set can give you an easy way to achieve a grass effect for your drawings, specially for anime- style ones.
First, I encourage you to experiment with both of the brushes. The first one, "grass" has a fixed form and it varies when you change the brush size. You can also get a spray effect by just pressing the brush without sliding it:
The second brush, "Grass 2" is specially designed for creating bushes. You can get different opacities according to the pressure of your static strokes. When you move the brush, you can get different sizes of bushes, angles and directions. According to the origin of the stroke, you can get different effects too:
Now, let's look at an example:
We have a fanart with some grass textures. However, the original texture feels super flat.
So, we will start by adding some soil textures with the basic "grass" brush. Just be sure to cover all the space with the different sizes of the texture:
When the basic texture is set, we will add 'I the individual bushes that will be placed with strands of the "grass 2" brush. Experiment with different pressures and directions of the stroke:
Be sure to cover all of the space but let some soil areas uncovered. Be extra careful with the top horizon part and use downward short strokes like this:
The overall texture has become great but the colors don't match. This brush set have fixed colors so I encourage you to adjust colors with tonal corrections, specially the hues:
I suggest you to experiment with shining layers above like this example where I added some strokes with the add (glow) set:
Be creative and experiment with these brushes and effects until you get an amazing result.