Universal watermark (万能ウォーターマーク) 万能ウォーターマーク

Content ID:2127206

  • 896

This watermark is created using a free font that can be used commercially, and there are no copyright issues, so you can rest assured. The English part of this watermark clearly states that reproduction on other sites is prohibited and its use in AI is prohibited. このウォーターマークは、商用可能な無料フォントを使用して作成されており、著作権の問題はありませんので、安心してご利用ください。このウォーターマークの英語部分には、他のサイトへの転載を禁止し、AIでの使用を禁じることが明記されています


Watermark text ↓:

Prohibited All Rights Reserved/AI Learning
Do not reproduce my artwork elsewhere without authorization or use it for AI purposes

"Banned" - Font "优设好体" (Chinese font)
"All Rights Reserved AI Learning" - Font "LINE Seed JP_TTF Bold" (Japanese font)
"Do not reproduce my artwork elsewhere without authorization or use it for AI purposes" - Akrobat Black
"ATTENTION PLEASE" - Font "Montserrat Black" (English font)

Please CLIP STUDIO ask that you do not keep this material private. I've written all the font names, so these are all free and commercially available fonts. If you have any doubts, please refer to the font names written above and look them up on your own. Please refrain from arbitrarily keeping this material private just because of doubts


※這個水印是使用商業可用的免費字型製作而成,沒有著作權的問題,因此可以安心使用。 這個水印的英文部分明確禁止轉載到其他網站,並禁止用於AI
(*This watermark is created using a commercially available free font and there are no copyright issues, so please feel free to use it.) The English part of this watermark clearly states that reproduction on other sites is prohibited and its use in AI is prohibited.)

(In order to protect the rights of more artists, this watermark will be provided free of charge forever, so please feel free to use this watermark)

Example of use: (This photo was taken by me with my smartphone)

You can freely adjust the shade, and the watermark itself has a three-dimensional effect.

(1) Dark ↓

(2) Light ↓



禁止 無断転載/AI学習
Do not reproduce my artwork elsewhere without authorization or use it for AI purposes

「禁止」- フォント「优设好身体」(中国語フォント)
「無断転載 AI学習」- フォント「LINE Seed JP_TTF Bold」(日本語フォント)
「Do not reproduce my artwork elsewhere without authorization or use it for AI purposes」- フォント「Akrobat Black」(英語フォント)
「ATTENTION PLEASE」- フォント「Montserrat Black」(英語フォント)









Content ID:2127206

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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