3D Piping Valves D (3D 配管バルブ群 D) 3D 配管バルブ群 D

Content ID:2118246

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a material for piping and valve groups including steel frames.

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For modern times, sozairoten.gendai Taisho romance is sozairoten.troman Showa is sozairoten.showa cyberpunk is sozairoten.cyber fantasy related is sozairoten.fantasy steampunk related is sozairoten.steam If it is related to construction, sozairoten.koji Equipment-related is sozairoten.setsubi


現代の場合はsozairoten.gendai 大正浪漫はsozairoten.troman 昭和なものはsozairoten.showa サイバーパンク系はsozairoten.cyber ファンタジー関連はsozairoten.fantasy スチームパンク関連はsozairoten.steam 工事関連の場合はsozairoten.koji 設備関連はsozairoten.setsubi

It is a plumbing material that can be used in cyberpunk, steampunk, sci-fi, modern ruins and factories.

You can easily make a space look like it by placing it against a wall.

It is made as a relatively large material, but please adjust the size accordingly.

I think it can be used inside and outside the building. By installing it on the outside of the building, you can make the material of an ordinary building look like a factory or laboratory.

By adding dirt and other things, you can create a more realistic space.

You can also use it when you want to clutter the background.

It is divided into four parts: steel frame, large piping group, thin piping group, and thin pipe group, so you can increase the variation by using only each one.

It is not possible to move each of the above four parts individually. Please be careful. (For example, a group of thin pipes is fixed with the shape shown in the figure above.)

You can also create a simple space.

Prices are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.










material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Content ID:2118246

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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