Poses Trapped in a Box Collection 6 (箱に閉じ込められるポーズ集6) 箱に閉じ込められるポーズ集6

Content ID:2117927

  • 3,574
  • Free

It is a collection of poses in which two people of the same height are trapped in a narrow box.
It is a situation that can be used when hiding in a crowded train or in a locker in a hurry.
Lover, friend, antagonist, when you want to bring two people from any relationship closer together in a happening.



10 types of 3D grid and basic shapes (content ID: 2107546) used in the sample image,
In addition to "same height", "small height difference", "height difference", "height difference" version, various poses and 3D materials are also being distributed.

Please take a look at "See more" in "Another material of "cli_pose".


Material prices are subject to change without notice. Please note.







Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2117927

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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フリーランスデザイナー。ポーズ素材、3D素材などをアップしています。 アダルト素材は「アカウント情報」→「コンテンツフィルター」を無効にしてご覧頂けます。 Twitterで更新情報、FANBOXでポーズの配置データも公開中。Japanese Only.