Rough mainline pen (ラフめ主線ペン) ラフめ主線ペン

Content ID:2117080

  • 217
  • Free

It is a set of pen tips that are not circles. It can be used for line art. 円じゃないペン先のセットです。線画に使用できます。

It is a set of pen tips that are not circles. It can be used for line art.

A. Pen pressure and speed are intense.
b. It is not very strong.
c. It is only about half as thick as brush size. If I had to force myself to do anything other than get a thin line, I wouldn't lose sight of the cursor on the canvas. Please take it as a bonus.

Please change it to a random value of size, thickness and orientation of your choice.
Personally, I think the gray is good.
( Operation check : Windows 10 / EX2.0 )


a. 筆圧と速度で強弱が付きます。
b. あまり強弱が付きません。
c. ブラシサイズの半分くらいまでしか太さが出ません。細い線が出る以外に何の役に立つのかと強いて言えばキャンバス上でカーソルを見失わないくらいです。おまけ感覚でどうぞ。

( 動作確認 : Windows10 / EX2.0 )

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2117080

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago