Rough and hard pen (거칠고 딱딱한 펜) 거칠고 딱딱한 펜

Content ID:2116387

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Rough and hard pen
It's better for effects than drawing
It's very bumpy, so the brush size is recommended to be around 9. If you go beyond 12, you can see the brush particles.
거칠고 딱딱한 펜
드로잉보단 효과에 좋습니다
많이 울퉁불퉁합니다 브러시 크기는 9정도 권장. 12를 넘어가면 브러시입자가 보여요.

The figure above is an example
Rough and doodle... It is suitable for occasional.
It's bumpy

위 그림은 예시입니다
거칠고 낙서용으로 쓰기...에 가끔 적당합니다.

Content ID:2116387

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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