It is a Gothic courtyard with a gazebo.
The gazebo is available in bench type and fountain type, which can be changed from the layout presets.
There are 6 types of layouts.
Roof tiles and cobblestones can also be hidden.
The benches are divided into five object, the number can be reduced to your liking.
Number of polygons: 179,000 for Bench_Full, 147,000 for Bench_S_hidden, 152,000 for Bench_Tile_hidden, 201,000 for Fountain_Full, 170,000 for Fountain_S_hidden, 174,000 for Fountain_Tile_hidden
ポリゴン数 Bench_Fullが17.9万、Bench_S_hiddenが14.7万、Bench_Tile_hiddenが15.2万、Fountain_Fullが20.1万、Fountain_S_hiddenが17万、Fountain_Tile_hiddenが17.4万
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
Bench_Full Bench_Full
Bench_S_hidden Bench_S_hidden
Fountain_S_hidden Fountain_S_hidden
Fountain_Full Fountain_Full
Bench_Tile_hidden Bench_Tile_hidden
Fountain_Tile_hidden Fountain_Tile_hidden
Update history
2024/09/26 Revision of title and introduction 2024/09/26 タイトル・紹介文の修正