Nyangnon (냥뇽) 냥뇽

Content ID:2116139

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I just made it for simple doodles! 그냥 간단히 낙서용으로 만들었습니다!

You can easily change the basic G-pen to change the opacity and line thickness depending on the pen pressure!
It's great for simple doodling!
기본 G펜을 간단하게 바꿔서 필압에 따라 불투명도와 선 굵기가 바뀝니다!
간단하게 낙서할 때 사용하기 좋아요!

Nyannon Pen 냥뇽펜

Content ID:2116139

Published : 6 hours ago

Last updated : 6 hours ago

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