The edges are soft (边缘柔和) 边缘柔和

Content ID:2115200

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  • Free

This pen has soft edges and can draw light, folds, etc
With a pressure sensitivity, sharp corners can be drawn
Shrinking can draw hard edges
The color changes according to the back view, and the back color is painted directly, and the color of the front and rear color will appear when the front color is selected

Category 1 類別1

Content ID:2115200

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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cn:peloka ‖ 请不要因为笔尖图案这种小事举报我(而且我并不是出于恶作剧性质而设置的,也并不影响使用)这甚至都没写在违规条例里,害得我都不清楚哪违规了号就被封了,我连cp都还没拿到呢😓 ‖ 真的很委屈很无语哈……🤒‖ 如果真的有什么问题请私信我