・ The font used is Iwata Antic, and other characters are handwritten.
・ The set includes 8 kinds of packed sushi sold at convenience stores and supermarkets, and small items such as soy sauce and chopsticks.
・ Please use it not only for lunch boxes, but also for eating scenes at home, drinking at home, etc.
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
Kami-sushi 上寿司
All (with lid) 全部 (ふた有り)
All (without lid) 全部 (ふた無し)
Nami Sushi 並寿司
Assist six 助六
Top sushi for two 上寿司・二人前
Nami sushi for two 並寿司・二人前
Four people ago 四人前
Natto Nakamaki 納豆中巻
Sushi rolls 巻き寿司
chopsticks, etc. 箸など
Soy sauce, wasabi, plate 醤油・わさび・皿
pose parts 可動パーツ
Soy sauce lid opening and closing 醤油ふた開閉
Update history
2024.8.22.Listing 2024.8.22.出品